What a rainy day it has been in Pune! The Khadakwasla dam has been overflowing with water, leading to the release of 856 cusecs of water into the Mutha river at midnight on Wednesday. The rain has been pouring in the Khadakwasla dam chain, with Temghar receiving 26 mm of rain, Panshet getting 25 mm, Varasgaon recording 12 mm, and Khadakwasla itself receiving one mm of rain by midnight.
The Varasgaon dam was almost at full capacity, reaching 99.54 per cent at 5 pm and hitting 99.91 per cent by midnight. This led to the release of 900 cusecs of water into the river Mose, along with 600 cusecs for power generation. Additionally, 275 cusecs of water from Temghar and 600 cusecs from Panshet were released for power generation, totaling 2375 cusecs of water.
In addition to all this, 1,005 cusecs of water were being released through the canal from the Khadakwasla Dam. The water levels in Khadakwasla were at 96.64 per cent at midnight, with rainfall increasing significantly after 10 pm. As a result, 856 cusecs of water were discharged from the Khadakwasla dam at midnight.
Overall, it has been a water-filled day in Pune, with the dams working hard to manage the excess water flow. Stay safe and dry, Pune!
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